Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Our New Family Members.....

So, our chickens have finally arrived! After Craig's gruling 3 days of finishing the chicken run and getting everything ready for them, we're finally proud owners of 4 hens!

Let me introduce you to them.....Poochy, Matilda, Skillet and Cocoa Rocket!  We let Roman and Christian name theirs...poochy (Americauna Hen) and Cocoa Rocket (Barred Rock Pullet)

My hen's name is Matilda (everyone hates my chickens name!) and Craig named his Skillet (Lakenvolde)

The girls roaming....
 Craig did such a great job building the run, plus we totally made out with products that were purchased through Craigslist and even free through Freecycle.com

I particularly LOVE my door on the coop. I found it on Craigslist, its vintage (which is a classier way to describe something old...)  and paid only $5 for it!! DEAL!!!  The chicken wire was found through Craigslist as well, 2 whole rolls for $15! Normally, the wire sells at Home Depot for $60-$70 per 4ft roll. 

Flower Boxes and all!

Its reassuring to know that they'll be safe and sheltered while we're at work.  Like a new Mom....I worry at work and wonder what my girls are doing while I'm away...are they fighting? Are they behaving themselves? Are they bothering the neighbors???? Do they miss me? ok, that last one was a tad ridiculous...but...do they?

Every morning I wake up around 6:30am, roll out of bed, thrown on something to cover up myself, step into my cool pink rubber boots and happily go check on my girls.  I open their coop door and peek in...softly say.."good morning girls"..they of course say good morning back..in their own hen banter...I open their door to the run and they all jaunt out to greet me.....Usually the first to enter the run is Matilda..my hen, the boss of the pack.  Then the others follow behind, cautiously watching me as I fill their water and refill their food if needed.

Then the cleaning of the coop begins...of course, my pink rubber gloves are put on....

My One Glove Magic...
 and .......
My FAB Pink Rubber Boots.....(thank you Target)

The shavings are replaced, poop cleaned out, water changed and food checked to last the day...then I'm off to work to focus on my day and not worry too much about my girls...well at least I try to not worry about them....

Until tomorrow...

For now


  1. Nice post Lee! I am glad you are liking your new role of chicken keeper! Your coop design is super rad and fashionable. Will you be painting the wood ?

  2. Hi Ryan,
    No, maybe stain it next year...but havent decided yet what color! I'm glad you like it!
