Sunday, September 5, 2010

Our Coop...Part 1....

The chickens are coming..the chickens are coming!  Holy "bleep", our chickens will be arriving this week. Out with the plan of having them by the end of this month!  My new chicken friend Wendy has been such a HUGE help with my journey to becoming a chicken farmer and graciously found me 4 chickens! 

I know that at least 2 of them are Americauna's, otherwise known as "Easter egg" layers.  The other 2...I'm not quite sure what they are but I do know they will lay eggs!

So, this brings us to the dilemma that Craig now finish the chicken run! The walls are started, just need to attach the chicken wire so they can't escape!  Luckily, Craig has some time off this week so he can do just that...finish the run and turn the coop into a chicken palace!

 Of course, the lawnmower and various pieces of crap will be removed!

Basically, the run attaches to the coop and allows them to have dust baths and eat bugs in our yard while being safe from Ollie and cars that ridiculously speed down our street!

 I'd love for them to be able to run around our yard freely, but I'm too worried they might jump the fence and end up in the hood (more than they already will be).  Let's just say our particular end of the street isn't bad..but a couple of strides down the block will surely be the end of them....

So my plan this week is to get the following for our new family members:

  • Bedding for the coop
  • Chicken feed!
  • Food container
  • Water container
  • scraps from work like melon rinds and other safe food for them!
I can't thank Wendy enough for taking the time to go inspect the chickens, make sure they are all healthy, transport them to her home for a few days and take care of them for me.  It's really refreshing to see how kind people can be to complete strangers.  It makes me realize that others out there are just as excited to enjoy these things in life...simple things like owning your own chickens......Because of her, I know I now have someone to turn to for questions that I'm sure I'll have along the way. next post will hopefully show the completed Chicken Head Farm Hen Palace and may even have some hens in it enjoying their new home....

Nighty nite all....

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