Thursday, September 2, 2010

Accidental Gardening.....

Some things in life are so cool..its hard to describe in this little box....I have this thing for gourds.  Not just one kind, but all kinds of gourds.  Fall is definitely my favorite season by far. The smell of the air changes to this crisp smack in the face...the sound of the earth beneath my shoes is definitely more crisp as well...and then there's the pumpkins and gourds I'll buy at the local farm. 

Every year I say..."I'm going to grow my own gourds and pumpkins and decorate my house Martha style"...Well, lets just say, Martha is not knocking down my door to do an interview....

I did plant a gourd plant this year in one of my many large pots that my Mom gave us (thanks Mom!) and ONE gourd has grown...pathetic.

Last year I bought one of the Swan Gourds, obvious description: looks like a swans neck...I had this grand idea of how I was going to let it dry and then hollow it out for a bird to live in...right.  Well, I did let it dry and Craig did hollow it out but nothing lives in it...except maybe a spider or two but it looks cool hanging from our deck and lets face it, thats all that matters sometimes.

Ok,the point to this story. We've had this vine growing near our back porch, near the strawberries and other random good things we've grown in a small spot off our back deck.  First, we thought it was another random pumpkin growing like last year. It has the same flowers and large vine like a pumpkin so at first that's what we were expecting to surprise us.  But no...guess what it is!!!! Its a swan gourd plant!! Sweet baby Jesus, I'm growing my own HUGE swan gourd supply....
Swan Gourds
This has totally taken over the huge cast iron lantern thats sitting on a stump that Craig refused to throw away and of course it looks cool much for being right all the time.

The baby gourds will hopefully bring me more Martha approved props to dry out this year again and core out the circle for a bird to live in..and once again toss the seeds over the side of the deck and not think twice about what our little garden will bring us next year.

Have you ever created an "accidental" garden??

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