Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Balancing Act...

Do you ever wonder how you do all you do? Balance work, family, friends, hobby's...if you're lucky to even have any hobby's.  Lately I've been wondering what I want to be when I grow up.....being 44 and loving what I do but knowing deep inside its not what I'm meant to do in my life is a startling realization. 

I've been thinking lately I need to do something that means more....that has more of an impact in this world..but what exactly that is..who knows...All I know is I can't do what I do for ever. That would be like Flo on Mel's Diner being a server until she's 50??? No thanks....Its like a great TV show that ends before it gets too old and people get sick of it..that's how I feel my career should end. 

Don't get me wrong. I love what I do, but at times it can be very stressful. Not physically, but mentally draining...more draining than people realize.   My job is to be the go between between the hotel and meeting planners who have budgets to follow, bosses to answer to and help them pull off an amazing event, while making them look fabulous.

In the meantime, I have to please the masses at the hotel and follow the rules that are set before me.  So in a way, I juggle personalities, rules and details on a massive scale....and maintain my cool and keep a smile on my face when that smile should be seen...

The good thing is I have the means to vent when needed to my co-workers..if I couldn't, I'd definitely have some kind of coronary disease..stroke.. you name it that's related to chest pains and shortness of breath.

In the meantime, I'm finding my way in our adventures in backyard farming and gardening.  These seem to be the things that are keeping me balanced and sane at the moment, so I'm embracing it and not asking why.

I've found over the past years that my changes have been for the better and to just embrace them and not ask why....why do I feel the need to be more self sufficient? I think its because I feel the need to make an impact in this world because some day I feel we're all going to look at each other and say "Shit...we  F'd up big time" We are spoiled, name brand driven, materialistic, fuel gorging humans who have taken for granted what we have and some day we're going to wake up to nothing...

As I've said before, I love a great bag, shoes...jewelry, but my NEED to buy them has faded as I realize that the immediate gratification may be nice, but the long term happiness is short lived and often guilt ridden.

I'd rather figure out a way to make my own bag, buy a gorgeous vintage pair of shoes or make my own jewelry. This gives my creative side a chance to shine and not be crammed down deep under the work must come first theory.

So, when you're feeling like a circus trapeze star juggling everything in life, remember this..what makes you happy short term is exactly that..short lived....sometimes the things that make us happy long term might take longer, but the rewards are much larger and more satisfying...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Chicken Head Farm Headquarters....

The girls are getting settled in...weather is getting colder...Fall is coming..life is good.

Because I want our girls to feel at home and loved..we decided to give them some flowers and decorate their new home with a splash of Fall...
Chicken Head Farm Headquarters....2010
Here are the founding board members of the coop:

Matilda...the head Hen...Don't F with her..she's the head of the Hood...
Poochy..aka..Matilda's BFF...
CocoaRocket...5 months old....super chill girl...

Skillet...5 months old..aka..super fast..last one in at night...

The girls chillin...Chicken life is good...
Matilda and Poochy are total BFF's.....while the 2 younger girls seem to stick together and are getting used to Matilda being a total bitch to them at times....I try to tell her to be nice..but...she doesn't listen...pffffttt why cant she understand?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Egg....sighhhhhh

On Sunday, September 12th, one of our hens laid her first egg for us...Now mind you, these hens have been laying before they arrived here, but it took a while for one of them to get comfortable and give us her labor of love....

My First Egg!

What you can't see is two things:

The truly beautiful pale blue color....which did not show up because this was taken with my phone and,
There was a CRACK in the egg!!!

Unfortunately, our hen's egg shell is a bit thin because of the stress of moving and getting settled. So...when she laid her egg...she accidentally broke it.....

It was like waiting in the labor room...listening and watching Poochy all day...she'd go in and out of her nesting box, kick out all of the hay...we'd put the hay back..she'd kick it all out....UGGHHH

Then the noise began...now let me explain the best I can in this format...its kind of like what a rooster sounds like..only more feminine?  They say that when they are getting ready to lay and even right after they lay, they make a lot of noise...I'm here to confirm that..they make a lot of noise.

Finally, in between our dinner with friends, I snuck out to peek in the nesting box and YAY, her beautiful light blue (Martha would be proud) egg was there waiting for me to collect it......I brought it in, held it high and announced the arrival of Chicken Head Farm's first egg!!

Our evening was followed by a lovely dinner prepared by me...Roast chicken dinner with all the fixins, but no worries, my girls were all safe in their chicken coop...not on our dinner table.

Our New Family Members.....

So, our chickens have finally arrived! After Craig's gruling 3 days of finishing the chicken run and getting everything ready for them, we're finally proud owners of 4 hens!

Let me introduce you to them.....Poochy, Matilda, Skillet and Cocoa Rocket!  We let Roman and Christian name theirs...poochy (Americauna Hen) and Cocoa Rocket (Barred Rock Pullet)

My hen's name is Matilda (everyone hates my chickens name!) and Craig named his Skillet (Lakenvolde)

The girls roaming....
 Craig did such a great job building the run, plus we totally made out with products that were purchased through Craigslist and even free through Freecycle.com

I particularly LOVE my door on the coop. I found it on Craigslist, its vintage (which is a classier way to describe something old...)  and paid only $5 for it!! DEAL!!!  The chicken wire was found through Craigslist as well, 2 whole rolls for $15! Normally, the wire sells at Home Depot for $60-$70 per 4ft roll. 

Flower Boxes and all!

Its reassuring to know that they'll be safe and sheltered while we're at work.  Like a new Mom....I worry at work and wonder what my girls are doing while I'm away...are they fighting? Are they behaving themselves? Are they bothering the neighbors???? Do they miss me? ok, that last one was a tad ridiculous...but...do they?

Every morning I wake up around 6:30am, roll out of bed, thrown on something to cover up myself, step into my cool pink rubber boots and happily go check on my girls.  I open their coop door and peek in...softly say.."good morning girls"..they of course say good morning back..in their own hen banter...I open their door to the run and they all jaunt out to greet me.....Usually the first to enter the run is Matilda..my hen, the boss of the pack.  Then the others follow behind, cautiously watching me as I fill their water and refill their food if needed.

Then the cleaning of the coop begins...of course, my pink rubber gloves are put on....

My One Glove Magic...
 and .......
My FAB Pink Rubber Boots.....(thank you Target)

The shavings are replaced, poop cleaned out, water changed and food checked to last the day...then I'm off to work to focus on my day and not worry too much about my girls...well at least I try to not worry about them....

Until tomorrow...

For now

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Our Coop...Part 1....

The chickens are coming..the chickens are coming!  Holy "bleep", our chickens will be arriving this week. Out with the plan of having them by the end of this month!  My new chicken friend Wendy has been such a HUGE help with my journey to becoming a chicken farmer and graciously found me 4 chickens! 

I know that at least 2 of them are Americauna's, otherwise known as "Easter egg" layers.  The other 2...I'm not quite sure what they are but I do know they will lay eggs!

So, this brings us to the dilemma that Craig now faces...to finish the chicken run! The walls are started, just need to attach the chicken wire so they can't escape!  Luckily, Craig has some time off this week so he can do just that...finish the run and turn the coop into a chicken palace!

 Of course, the lawnmower and various pieces of crap will be removed!

Basically, the run attaches to the coop and allows them to have dust baths and eat bugs in our yard while being safe from Ollie and cars that ridiculously speed down our street!

 I'd love for them to be able to run around our yard freely, but I'm too worried they might jump the fence and end up in the hood (more than they already will be).  Let's just say our particular end of the street isn't bad..but a couple of strides down the block will surely be the end of them....

So my plan this week is to get the following for our new family members:

  • Bedding for the coop
  • Chicken feed!
  • Food container
  • Water container
  • scraps from work like melon rinds and other safe food for them!
I can't thank Wendy enough for taking the time to go inspect the chickens, make sure they are all healthy, transport them to her home for a few days and take care of them for me.  It's really refreshing to see how kind people can be to complete strangers.  It makes me realize that others out there are just as excited to enjoy these things in life...simple things like owning your own chickens......Because of her, I know I now have someone to turn to for questions that I'm sure I'll have along the way. 

So...my next post will hopefully show the completed Chicken Head Farm Hen Palace and may even have some hens in it enjoying their new home....

Nighty nite all....

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Accidental Gardening.....

Some things in life are so cool..its hard to describe in this little box....I have this thing for gourds.  Not just one kind, but all kinds of gourds.  Fall is definitely my favorite season by far. The smell of the air changes to this crisp smack in the face...the sound of the earth beneath my shoes is definitely more crisp as well...and then there's the pumpkins and gourds I'll buy at the local farm. 

Every year I say..."I'm going to grow my own gourds and pumpkins and decorate my house Martha style"...Well, lets just say, Martha is not knocking down my door to do an interview....

I did plant a gourd plant this year in one of my many large pots that my Mom gave us (thanks Mom!) and ONE gourd has grown...pathetic.

Last year I bought one of the Swan Gourds, obvious description: looks like a swans neck...I had this grand idea of how I was going to let it dry and then hollow it out for a bird to live in...right.  Well, I did let it dry and Craig did hollow it out but nothing lives in it...except maybe a spider or two but it looks cool hanging from our deck and lets face it, thats all that matters sometimes.

Ok,the point to this story. We've had this vine growing near our back porch, near the strawberries and other random good things we've grown in a small spot off our back deck.  First, we thought it was another random pumpkin growing like last year. It has the same flowers and large vine like a pumpkin so at first that's what we were expecting to surprise us.  But no...guess what it is!!!! Its a swan gourd plant!! Sweet baby Jesus, I'm growing my own HUGE swan gourd supply....
Swan Gourds
This has totally taken over the huge cast iron lantern thats sitting on a stump that Craig refused to throw away and of course it looks cool now..so much for being right all the time.

The baby gourds will hopefully bring me more Martha approved props to dry out this year again and core out the circle for a bird to live in..and once again toss the seeds over the side of the deck and not think twice about what our little garden will bring us next year.

Have you ever created an "accidental" garden??